When starting your trucking business, the process of establishing your state and federal authorities can become very daunting. At the same time, determining which authorities are necessary for your business and applying for them is one of the first critical steps in getting your truck on the road.
Trucker's Paper Trail can work with you through every process relating to these authorities. Whether it is determining your business needs, applying for new authorities, reactivating, inactivating, updating, or whatever else you may need, we are here to help. So don't do it alone, pick up the phone! Contact Us
A MC number is an interstate operating authority and unique identifier assigned by the FMCSA to moving companies operating in interstate commerce, in other words hauling cargo across state lines.
There are a number of different exemptions to this rule depending on the the cargo being hauled, whether you are a commercial vehichle, and depending on your location. It takes a minimum of three weeks for an MC number to become active after applying. You also need to purchase insurance with a minimum of $750,000 of liability coverage before your MC number will become active.
Want more information? Contact Us or Visit our MC FAQ!
A DOT number is a number unique to you that is issued by the Department of Transportation.
You are required to have a DOT number if you have a Commercial Vehicle with a gross weight rating of 10,000 pounds or more and you cross state lines OR if you have a gross weight rating of 17,000 pounds or more and you do not cross state lines.
Want more information? Contact Us or Visit our DOT FAQ!
A PA PUC Number is required if you haul freight for hire - you get paid to haul a load - across from one point in Pennsylvania to another point in Pennsylvania as part of Intrastate commerce.
There are exceptions to this rule if you haul certain products. It takes approximately 3 weeks for a PA PUC number to become active after applying. You also need to purchase insurance with a minimum of $300,000 of liability coverage and a minimum of $5000 in cargo insurance before your PA PUC number will become active.
Want more information? Contact Us or Visit our PUC FAQ!

Every trucker with a commercial vehicle over 10,000 pounds (or 17,000 if staying only in Pennsylvania) is required to have a DOT number, but not everyone needs an MC or PA PUC number.
If you’ve ever had a DOT number, PUC number, or MC number but discontinued your trucking business, you can reactivate these same numbers at any time if you decide to go back into business.
Trucker’s Paper Trail will help you to reactivate these numbers and get your truck back on the road.
If you decide to get out of the trucking business or change your trucking business by leasing on to another carrier, Trucker’s Paper Trail can inactivate your DOT, MC, and PA PUC numbers for you to avoid any unnecessary headaches, fines, or fees.
Sometimes trucking companies will decide to change their name from a sole proprietorship to an LLC or corporation. This results in the need to update your DOT, MC, and PA PUC numbers with the new name.
In addition, you may be getting a new EIN which will result in the need to get new state accounts with IFTA, New York HUT, and New Mexico.
All MC number holders are required to file a BOC-3 Process Form. This is a blanket list of process agents – one for every state – that is assigned to you and filed with FMCSA in the event that legal documents need to be delivered to you in another state.
We can file a one-time BOC-3 for you if you are just getting a new MC number, if you’ve changed your name, or if you had a previous provider that required you to pay annually for your BOC-3.
All Interstate DOT holders are required to file a biennial update to provide the US DOT with any updated information, including how many miles your truck / fleet traveled the prior calendar year. Your update is due based solely on the last two digits of your DOT number.
If the second to last digit is an even number then you need to update on every even year. If the second to last digit is an odd number then you need to update on every odd year. The last number determines which month of that odd or even year your update is due… ex. 1=January 2=February... 0=October.